Installing AOLserver 2.3.3 on Red Hat 6.1

1. Download

Get the glibc Linux version of AOLserver 2.3.3 from (or Questies can use the file as233_linux_glibc.tar.gz in qfs01/data1/Linux/AOLserver).

I don't think you can get this release anymore, but if you ask me nicely I might mail it to you

2. Untar

Create a directory for AOLserver. I used /apps/aolserver. From that directory type

tar -zxf /path/as233_linux_glibc.tar.gz
where path is the path to your downloaded file. This will extract the files and directory structure.

3. Configure

Type bin/nsbootstrap to start AOLserver for the first time. This will run the server in the foreground. From another terminal, start Netscape in X Window and type in the URL http://linuxbox:9876/NS/Setup where linuxbox is the name of your Linux box. You will be asked for a username and password. Use nsadmin with no password. You can take all the default settings, so click Go. This will create the nsd.ini file that AOLserver uses when it restarts.

4. Create the 'Up' and 'Down' scripts

Back in the console you started the server from, press CTRL-C. su as root and go to /usr/bin. Create two files:


export ORACLE_BASE=/apps/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/8.1.5
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/lib

/apps/aolserver/bin/nsd -c /apps/aolserver/nsd.ini
Note: If you're not installing the ACS you don't need the export statements. If you've installed Oracle to a different location, you should alter the file accordingly.


kill -TERM `cat /apps/aolserver/log/nspid.9876`
Use chmod a+x aolup and chmod a+x aoldown to make them executable.

Restart & Test

For people to connect on the default port (80) you must start the server as root. Type aolup. You should be returned to the prompt immediately. Back in Netscape, you should be able to go to http://linuxbox/ to see the default AOLserver welcome page. This should also be viewable from other PCs on the network.

Write your own pages

If you used the default settings and installed to /apps/aolserver, you will find index.html, the default welcome page in /apps/aolserver/servers/server1/pages/. Changes to pages are effective immediately.

If you wish to alter the configuration of AOLserver you can use the setup URL as above. Configuration changes only take effect after the server has been stopped and restarted.